Sri Sathya Sai
The Sri Sathya Sai Health & Education Trust was established in May 1970 by Sri Sathya Sai Baba, its Founder-President. Its ongoing goal is to provide Health and Education ‘Totally Free of Cost to All’, irrespective of color, class, socioeconomic status, religion, or national origin.
It was formed under the tenet of ‘Love All, Serve All’ and in pursuance of its objectives, it has a sacred and unique relationship with the State Governments where it operates (Chhattisgarh, Haryana, Mumbai and Kolkatta in 2019) and with the Central Government of India.
Sacred, since it has always endeavored to work in tandem with the Central and State Governments in the service of its poorest people; Unique, since it has enjoyed an association of highest respect and cordiality not only with government agencies, but also various community organizations, as well as the local, national, and international communities that it serves.
SSSHET is a Public Charitable Trust recognized under Sec 12a of the Indian Income Tax Act of 1961.

Sri Madhusudan Sai
Institute of Medical Sciences and Research
India’s First Free Medical College
India’s first privately run totally free-of-cost Medical College has been established in Muddenahalli in the Chikkaballapur District, Karnataka. It was inaugurated on March 25th, 2023 by the Honourable Prime Minister of India, Sri Narendra Modi.
A new values-based model for medical education, this first-of-its-kind endeavor by the Sri Sathya Sai University for Human Excellence, which was founded in 2018 by Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai in Kalaburagi, Karnataka, will bring quality services through medical doctors and nurses with noble values for serving rural India. The University already provides free values-based education in sciences and humanities at graduate, postgraduate and research program levels, absolutely free of all costs to the rural and impoverished students, thereby enabling them to serve other rural children through educational services.
The features of this values-based free medical education model are: 1. Totally free of cost to all – education to the students at the medical college shall be provided totally free of cost and based on merit, irrespective of their socio-economic background. 2. Serving rural India – Along with professional and quality medical education, the values-based educational approach adopted by the medical college will inspire and ensure that the students, who will be taken from rural India, will rededicate themselves to the service of rural India. This model of values-based free medical education by private institutions will help create a generation of medical and nursing professionals, who will be committed to achieving the country’s goal of universal healthcare coverage.

Sri Sathya Sai
Sarla Memorial Hospital
Sri Sathya Sai Sarla Memorial Hospital, a health care initiative by Prashanthi Balamandira Trust, is in Muddenahalli village, Chikkaballapur district, in the state of Karnataka. This multi-specialty hospital and birthing center is a true temple of healing for the rural poor.
A unique aspect of the Sri Sathya Sai Sarla Memorial Hospital is that it is soon to grow into the first of its kind, totally free of cost, medical college which will produce doctors, nurses and paramedics while offering post-graduate specialized training opportunities. This multi-specialty training and teaching facility will include a 460-bed medical complex that will provide treatment to all completely free of cost.
220,000 patients have been seen since the opening on August 27th, 2021 which accounts for around 1000 patients per day. To date, 2700 major surgeries and 700 minor surgeries have been performed. The hospital team comprises of 95 doctors, 135 nurses, 45 paramedical staff and 125 nonclinical staff.

Sri Sathya Sai
Sanjeevani Hospital
The With over 200,000 children born every year with heart disease, a leading cause of infant mortality in India, its care remains grossly inadequate and beyond the reach of many. In expression of gratitude to our Founder, the Trust embarked on a journey towards addressing the global burden of congenital heart diseases through the Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Centre for Child Heart Care. Our chain of hospitals treat children totally free of cost restoring dignity to a child’s life and gifting a healthy childhood to them. Since inception there has been over 200,000 pediatric cardiac outpatients and over 24,000 pediatric cardiac surgeries and intervention.
Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani began this journey by establishing the first dedicated Centre for Child Heart Care in Raipur, Chhattisgarh, in November 2012. The second Centre, Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani International Centre for Child Heart Care & Research was inaugurated by Shri Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India at Baghola, Palwal District, Haryana in November 2016. The third Centre, Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Centre for Child Heart Care & Training in Pediatric Cardiac Skills, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai, was inaugurated in November 2018.
Free Healthcare for All
All medical, surgical, consultative and ancillary services are rendered totally free of cost to all those who arrive at its doors, irrespective of color, caste, religion, nationality, social or economic status.
Nation Building
Contributes to a Healthy India by addressing the national burden of congenital heart diseases (CHD) in newborns, infants, children of all ages and even adults, while also continually expanding its primary and preventive health care services.
Temple of Healing
Provides the highest quality medical and surgical care, meeting or exceeding the standards and benchmarks at other hospitals in India, but rendered with an unmatched sincerity and compassion.
Center of Learning
Serves as a site for teaching, training, and research in the relentless pursuit of improved Child Heart Care.
The Divine Mother and Child
Health Programme of Sanjeevani
The main objective of the mother support group is to empower pregnant women, their families and the community with essential information related to pregnancy and childbirth. Innovative health education aids are used to disseminate information about important topics such as nutrition during pregnancy, danger signs, importance of regular antenatal check-ups, regular iron, folic acid and calcium supplementation, timely ultrasonography and infant & young child feeding practices. Since inception, the Divine Mother and Child centers which are all over the nation, have provided over 22,000 consultations and over 900 hospital deliveries to date.

Sri Sathya Sai Aarogya Vahini
Completely Free Mobile Medical & Hospital Service
Rural West Bengal, India
The Sri Sathya Sai Aarogya Vahini was set up to reach out to and provide holistic, quality and free healthcare and sociocare services to rural India. Our mission is to enable the needy to transcend barriers of accessibility and affordability pertaining to integrated healthcare and nutrition, through selfless love and service. This initiative is to further the nation’s vision of health and hygiene by enabling and providing quality sanitation facilities through pure drinking water and other basic needs and to sensitize and mobilize volunteers, social sector and corporations towards a joint community action that results in a better and healthier society.
Free Mobile Medical & Hospital Service
The Sri Sannidhi – This outreach for preventive and primary health screening initiatives are focused on remote locations with our medically designed Mobile Medical Units. These outreach initiatives cover non communicable diseases for Cardiovascular, Hypertensive, Diabetes, Opthalmology and Dentistry as well as Onco Screening for Oral, Breast and Cervical Cancer.
Surgical Interventions
Surgical Interventions – Ensuring the completion of the entire spectrum of treatment from Primary to Tertiary, the Trust in its efforts of collaborative networks has been successful in..Read More
Disaster Relief & Rehabilitation
Relief & Rehabilitation Management – An active responsive participation and supportive action towards natural calamities and pandemic outbreaks has..Read More
Nutrition (Mal-Nutrition)
Sri Samriddhi – Malnutrition Prevention Program An integrated approach in addressing to the deficient and insufficient intake of nutrients and imbalances in..Read More